Download Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0!!!!

microsoft visual basic 6.0
microsoft visual basic 6.0

Microsoft visual Basic 6.0
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is a majestic compiler, many programmers using Visual Basic since the higher languages launched for computer programming to make an understanding relation between computers & humans and for the easy usage of computer. Higher languages were launched to make the world of computer vast and understandable. The Visual Basic compiler was Introduced byMicrosoft for programmers to develop different applications for the computer, using different higher languages. Visual Basic have friendly environment for programming writers,for writing programs for Windows network Operating systems and others like Mac, Linux also. The concept of Visual Basic compiler was started from BASIC, which is an older programming language . The language Basic was invented by the professors of Dartmouth college named asJohn kemeny & Thomas kurtz. BASIC is a widely used language to program computer operating systems.
Actually, Microsoft Visual Basic is more than a editor of Programming Language. It gives coders an easy platform to code visual basic programs for Operating systems in programming visual basic. It includes a list of automated tools that creates an incredible effects of on programs you are writing, tools provide Graphical user interface design(GUI) & advantages to the drawing, this is what so called “Visual”. below the code area there’s a window to describe the mistakes of the written programs & other tools which helps programmers alot.
Discussion About Versions:  The version of Visual Basic starts Since 1991 when It was first introduced by Microsoft. there are Nine(9) versions of visual basic now, earlier versions of visual basic below from 2002 were called simply visual basic, after that in the year of 2002 Visual Basic.NET introduced & the Microsoft got a better achievement about VB. & till now VB.NET and VB 6.0versions that programmers are using widely.
When VB was introduced in 1991, Drag and Drop design is derived from a prototype form generator for creating the user interface developed by Alan Cooper and his company called Tripod.Microsoft contracted with Cooper to develop Tripod into a programmable form of Windows 3.0’s system,   which was being developed under the code name “Ruby”. Microsoft thought to combine the Ruby with the Basic language to create Visual Basic, but Tripod didn’t include Ruby as a programming language and it get no relation with later Ruby programming language.
The Visual Basic’s “visual” part was generated by the Ruby interface generator and was combined with the “EB” Embedded Basic engine designed for Microsoft’s abandoned database system “Omega”.meanwhile Ruby made ability to load dynamic link libraries having additional information and controls, named as Gizmos. which later becomes the VBX interface.
What Features Visual Basic 6.0 have ?
  • Arrays
  • Collection Initialize-rs
  • Constants and Enumerations
  • Control Flow
  • Data Types
  • Declared Elements
  • Delegates
  • Early and Late Binding
  • Error Types
  • Events
  • Interfaces
  • LINQ
  • Objects and Classes
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Procedures
  • Statements
  • Strings
  • Variables
  • XML
You can Download Visual Basic’s Book and Guide for getting help for, how to install Visual Basic, how to Control Visual Basic and other information’s about Visual Basic. The pdf Book and online Guide will help you to learn Visual Basiccompletely form basics to its end.
It is good to know that the Microsoft’s official guide will guide you in the right way to get well understanding about vb according to your interest of learning visual basic or visual studio, as we’ve noticed Vb 6.0 is a good platform for programmers to start with. it also helps to generate ideas for vb scripting and vb code when u work with, as a researcher I’ve found many notes and knowledge about Visual Basic but it feels great when you try by yourself to learn something you want by researching.
put your questions in comments, if you have any in mind. i’ll like to clear your confusions about my article or anything else.
External Links: Official website ,  Wikipedia
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